February 2022 published
Under the telling words: 'My name is Mahler, Gustav Mahler', Mahler speaks to us and makes us share in his joys and sorrows. His deepest feelings are framed by his own music, his pictures, his texts. Gustav Mahler is played phenomenally by Gijs Scholten van Aschat.
The Gustav Mahler Stichting Nederland is proud to present this English-language film on DVD and hopes to have created a very special, never-before-seen image of Mahler. The idea and first libretto originated with chairman Eveline Nikkels, who found in director Joost Honselaar the perfect partner to The Mahler Monologues to be realised.
- Medium: DVD
- duration: 34 minutes
- language: English
- subtitles: none
- languages brochure: English and Dutch.
- Donors Netherlands: €25 (including €5 postage);
- Donors outside the Netherlands (Europe): €30 (including €10 postage);
- Non-donors Netherlands: €30 (including €5 postage);
- Non-donors outside the Netherlands (Europe): €35 (including €10 postage).
Those above can order by transferring the applicable amount to NL29 INGB 0000 1456 77 (BIC INGB NL 2A) t.n.v. Gustav Mahler Stichting Nederland o.v.v. 'Mahler Monologues'. Please also mention your name and address!
Information and quotation for orders with shipping outside Europe, (book) traders e/o for bulk purchase and broadcast rights: penningmeester@gmsn.nl.