Editorial board
The Gustav Mahler Foundation Netherlands promotes knowledge and appreciation of Mahler and his music, including through the Gustav Mahler Magazine. Below are the editorial board members of this magazine.
Final editing
Emanuel Overbeeke (1958) studied musicology in Utrecht with Marius Flothuis and in New York with Charles Rosen. His books include books on Vestdijk and music, compositions with a nickname, classical composers and death, music for Easter (not by Bach!), Dutch music with Dutch symphony orchestras (doctoral thesis), the Dutch Beethoven reception, Chopin, Stravinsky, Debussy and Boulez. Since 2012, he has been chief and editor-in-chief of the Gustav Mahler Magazine (until 2022 Mahler News). In it, he writes mainly about the Mahler reception.
Chairman editorial board
Matthijs Boumans(*1951) studied Dutch language and literature at Radboud University Nijmegen. For over forty years, he worked as a teacher of Dutch in secondary education. After his retirement in 2017, he joined the editorial board of the Gustav Mahler Magazine (until 2022 Mahler Nieuws) and in 2020 to 2022 he was part of the Board of the Gustav Mahler Foundation Netherlands. Together with Eveline Nikkels, he edited Briefwechsel Alma Mahler - Allert de Lange Verlag (The Hague, 2020).
Editor / web content manager
Johan Maarsingh graduated as a musicologist from Utrecht University in 1994. Programme maker at the Stichting Concertzender Nederland, also involved with VPRO-NPS (radio broadcast of Wagner's Ring des Nibelungen). In 1997 sent to the Bayreuther Festival as a stipendiary by the Wagnergenootschap Nederland. From 2002-2017 board member Wagnergenootschap Nederland. Very early on engaged with Mahler's music. Great interest in performance practice. Held lectures at various organisations on 19th-20th century music and musicians. Since 2010 editor of Gustav Mahler Magazine (until 2022 Mahler Nieuws) and web editor of the Gustav Mahler Stichting Nederland, contributor to Wagner Kroniek.
Pieter Eijkelenboom succeeded the foundation's Herman J. Nieman in 1992 and made the transition from Mededelingenblad to Mahler Nieuws. He was editor-in-chief of Mahler Nieuws until 2012. Now he is back on the editorial board of the Gustav Mahler Magazine and will serve 'die Sache Mahler' with fresh enthusiasm and new ideas.